Monday, November 17, 2008

Car Accident

When ever I leave Kierstin's home she always tells me "be safe" and I look at her and think to myself 'yeah yeah yeah, mom'. She has always been very motherly and protective which is nice to have around when your own mother is not in town.

Saturday night 11:30 - I was driving down 3rd street (in Moscow) and there were two cars parked at the red light on the crossing street (Jackson). One was a huge SUV and the other a smaller car like mine. When I got closer they both started to go! I looked at my light assuming that I must have not noticed the light turn red, but I was wrong... I had a green light. So I swerved trying to avoid the collision but was not very successful. Successful enough, thankfully, to miss the SUV which would have hit the fount of my car, but not missing the smaller one. It hit hard enough to spin me around in the intersection... Luckily, I was on a one way street so there was no on coming cars to worry about.

I pulled over to the side of the road and the other two cars drove away! YES that's right... They drove AWAY! I was pissed! Its bad enough that I get into car accidents like every 6 months (or so it seems). But, this one was not my fault. Some people came up to me and I was almost in tears until one of the girls told me that she was the one who hit me. I guess she drove around the block and then came back. Who knows why. But she came back thats what matters.

I am alright but my car, not so much. Ryan and I are looking for a new one!

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